One of the keys to Overcoming Pain & Hurt and Living God’s Vision is preparing your mind. What you think and believe has a huge impact on the life you will live for Christ. This FREE mini-course will help you learn 3 powerful tools to prepare your mind against the enemy.
Session #1: Preparing to Develop a ‘Battle Ready’ Mindset
Christian women tend to be in one of 3 places when they come into my sphere. A) They have many negative beliefs and situations in their life but are not ready to overcome the pain & hurt. B) They have tried everything to heal but feel down and stuck. C) They are 100% READY to overcome the pain and hurt and live fully into God’s vision. What category do you fall under? Make sure you watch this video to find out if you are ready for what’s coming. Transformation is 100% possible AND are you ready for it? Find out inside! 🙂
Session #2: Where Most Women Get Stuck: How to Get Unstuck & Transform Your Mind
“I Am Who You Say I Am” is a popular track by Hillsong, but do you truly believe that you are who God says you are? Part of overcoming pain and hurt is knowing your Identity in Christ. This video will bring you through Bible-based exercises to begin seeing yourself through His eyes. When you are able to do this, you can more easily live in His vision!
Session #3: The Story You Tell Yourself
Many Christian women have believed stories told to them throughout their life. Some stories are life-giving and others may be taking them down into sadness and frustration. In our final session, “I Am Renewing My Story,” you will be introduced to a powerful technique that if used properly, will help you transform your mind through thinking Christ-centered thoughts and expelling the lies of the enemy! Find out all about this amazing technique inside!